Joel Krueger
monographs X
10 Publications
Embodiment and affectivity in Moebius syndrome and schizophrenia
a phenomenological analysis
in: Phenomenology for the twenty-first century, Basingstoke,
Losing social space
phenomenological disruptions of spatiality and embodiment in Moebius syndrome and schizophrenia
in: Phenomenology and science, Berlin,
At home in and beyond our skin
posthuman embodiment in film and television
in: The Palgrave handbook of posthumanism in film and television, Berlin,
Merleau-Ponty on shared emotions and the joint ownership thesis
Continental Philosophy Review 46 (4)

Dimensions of bodily subjectivity
Dorothée Legrand, Thor Grünbaum, Joel Krueger (eds)
Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences 8 (3)
10 Publications