Catalogue > People > Profile

Maria J. Lopez

monographs X

4 Publications

On the style of philosophizing

Dennis Schmidt's hermeneutics of writing


Maria del Rosario Acosta, Maria I. Lopez, Maria J. Lopez

Epoché 22 (1)

Doomed to walk the night

ghostly communities and promises in the novels of Alex la Guma


Maria J. Lopez

in: Community in twentieth-century fiction, Basingstoke,

A "tiny displacement" of the world

on Giorgio Agamben's coming community


Maria del Rosario Acosta, Maria I. Lopez, Maria J. Lopez

Epoché 16 (1)

Beauty as an encounter between freedom and nature

a romantic interpretation of Kant's critique of judgment


Maria del Rosario Acosta, Maria I. Lopez, Maria J. Lopez

Epoché 12 (1)

4 Publications