Passionately posthuman
from feminist disidentifications to postdisciplinary posthumanities
pp. 23-33
in: Cecilia Åsberg, Rosi Braidotti (eds), A feminist companion to the posthumanities, Berlin, Springer, 2018Abstract
I hold a doctoral degree from a faculty of the humanities and was educated as a literary scholar, but my relationship to the humanities has for years been ambivalent and troubled. I do not easily identify as a humanities scholar. Instead, I have come to position myself as a posthumanist and postconstructionist feminist scholar who belong to an international, trans- and postdisciplinary scholarly community of critical intellectuals with various kinds of affiliations to political movements which struggle for social and environmental justice – feminist, queer, transgender, anti-racist, anti-colonial, anti-ableist, environmental etc. movements. In academic terms, I am professor of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, which I define as a postdisciplinary discipline as elaborately reflected in earlier work (Lykke 2010, 2011). In this chapter, I will make myself accountable for my troubled relationship to the humanities and elaborate on the ways in which I position myself in a feminist version...