The criticism of Husserl's arguments against psychologism in German philosophy 1901 – 1920
pp. 51-83
in: Leila Haaparanta (ed), Mind, meaning and mathematics, Berlin, Springer, 1994Abstract
In recent years, a number of philosophers have re-examined Frege's and Husserl's arguments against psychologism in logic and epistemology. Surprisingly enough, this renewed interest in psychologism and its "refutation' has not to date led to any historical work on the reception of Frege's and Husserl's arguments in German academic philosophy at the time. In this paper, I shall take a first step towards filling this lacuna by giving an overview of critical reactions to Husserl's arguments (as presented in his Prolegomena to the Logische Untersuchungen) between 1901 and 1920.