Catalogue > Serials > Journal > Journal Issue > Journal article

Publication details

Year: 2014

Pages: 169-178

Series: Rivista di estetica

Full citation:

Valentino Della Casa, "Volontà di potenza come volontà di naufragio", Rivista di estetica 56, 2014, pp. 169-178.

Volontà di potenza come volontà di naufragio

quando il superamento passa dall'autodistruzione

Valentino Della Casa

pp. 169-178

in: The other(s), Rivista di estetica 56, 2014.


The concept of will to power is one of the most important Nietzsche’s theories, that deals with the capacity of a person to face death and the thought of his own sacrifice without any fear, in order to obtain one’s self-overcoming. The so called will to wreck is the most powerful objectification of will to power, and it is deep-rooted in European society, especially German popular ideology. Actually, it is possible to find this conception of will to wreck in connection with will to power in Nibelungenlied, the greatest Nordic poem of 13th century, and, years and years later, in Nazi ideology (and of course Nietzsche himself), as a proof of the temporal continuity of this particular philosophy. A philosophy which is probably part of our psychology, and which is not likely to be easily forgotten though its terrible, destructive power.

Cited authors

Publication details

Year: 2014

Pages: 169-178

Series: Rivista di estetica

Full citation:

Valentino Della Casa, "Volontà di potenza come volontà di naufragio", Rivista di estetica 56, 2014, pp. 169-178.