Human brain is a coherent state of the mind
pp. 279-293
in: Sangeetha Menon, Anindya Sinha (eds), Interdisciplinary perspectives on consciousness and the self, Berlin, Springer, 2014Abstract
In this chapter, following the earlier paper (Chakraverty B (2010) arXiv: 1012.3765v1 [physics.gen-ph], 16 Dec 2010), we shall further develop the idea that a coherent state of the mind emerges when the different cognitive functions of the brain develop a complete phase coherence amongst themselves. We use the cognitive operator (hat{S}) that we introduced earlier as the primary agent whose repeated action in the Fock information space is seen to produce the global coherent state wave function.We introduce the idea that the "mental" and "physical" form a dual Hilbert space in which the non-Hermitian operators (hat{S}) and (hat{{S}}^{+}) operate and give rise to twin conjugate sets of cognitive order parameters in each space, which are the eigenvalues of the corresponding operators. The two spaces are completely entangled, and in normal non-pathological human brain, any description of reality must contain both spaces and both sets of wave functions. Since human brain is an open system, this non-Hermiticity is built into the formalism right from the very beginning because the basis vectors of this dual space are generated by some non-Hermitian Hamiltonian. We shall show that what we call our I, the decider that each one of us thinks we have inside us, is nothing but the trace of a diagonal matrix in this cognitive dual space.We also define the act of being conscious to the world as a response function of the cognitive operator, (hat{S}). By introducing at the basement level right from the very beginning the (hat{S}) operators, also termed operators of self, we avoid the pitfall of the sudden emergence of consciousness out of nothing which besets the conventional neurological-artificial intelligence complexity scenarios. Every bit of information created by self-operator has awareness built into it as an inner quantum number just as every electron has a spin naturally attached and emergence of consciousness is simply a passage from microscopic to macroscopic, which precisely a coherent state implies.