The self
pp. 343-365
in: Seth Abrutyn (ed), Handbook of contemporary sociological theory, Berlin, Springer, 2016Abstract
We discuss the concept of self with a focus on understanding it from a micro, meso, and macro level of analysis. At the micro level, we focus on the self in interaction, emphasizing role-taking, self-presentation, and self-esteem. At the meso level, we address how the self is embedded within various groups including corporate and categorical structures. At the macro level, we discuss how the organization of society facilitates the development of particular "kinds" of selves, focusing on postmodernist and cultural perspectives on the self. We propose avenues for future research at each of these different levels of social interaction and organization. This approach allows us to advance a view that acknowledges the self as reflexive, cognitive and affective, rational and emotional, and, more importantly, reveals how the self is inextricably linked to micro and macro level processes.