La triade farabienne du logos, son parallèle grec et son écho latin chez Arnoul de Provence
pp. 275-285
in: Jenny Pelletier, Magali Roques (eds), The language of thought in late medieval philosophy, Berlin, Springer, 2017Abstract
Previous inquiry has shown that Parisian arts master Arnoul of Provence's (Arnulfus Provincialis) recovery of the Latin al-Fārābī in his Division of the sciences (ca. 1250) not only treats interior and exterior logos but indeed assumes, as does its source, a triadic doctrine of logos. The revised edition and translation of the relevant paragraph from Arnoul's short work, accomplished here by taking into consideration a certain duality in the manuscript tradition, allows us to suggest an interpretative nuance that avoids a problematic repetition in the explanation of the Farabian triple logos that Claude Panaccio rigorously compares to John of Damascus' tripartition of philosophical logos in Le Discours intérieur.