Critical discourse analysis and the rhetoric of critique
pp. 35-46
in: Gilbert Weiss, Ruth Wodak (eds), Critical discourse analysis, Berlin, Springer, 2003Abstract
It is not difficult to make claims for the academic success of Critical Discourse Analysis. Chouliaraki and Fairclough begin their new book Discourse in Late Modernity with the statement: "Critical discourse analysis … has established itself internationally over the past twenty years or so as a field of cross-disciplinary teaching and research which has been widely drawn upon in the social sciences and the humanities (for example, in sociology, geography, history and media studies), and has inspired critical language teaching at various levels and in various domains' (1999, p. 1). One sign of this success has seen the establishment of the term "Critical Discourse Analysis", together with its abbreviation CDA, to denote a distinct and substantial body of work.