Splash violence and other-than-human bodies as sites of power, resistance, and pedagogical possibility
pp. 205-210
in: Sarah Travis, Amelia M. Kraehe, Emily J. Hood, Tyson E. Lewis (eds), Pedagogies in the flesh, Berlin, Springer, 2018Abstract
This chapter focuses on a single fleshy interaction taken from research at a "nature-based" public elementary school. By carefully examining the bodily actions and reactions of each of the actors the authors outline shades of patriarchy while also noting the violence done to the often forgotten bodies of other-than-human members of the natural world. In naming said violence this chapter tries to open a post-human path and names further challenges of hierarchy, anthropocentrism, and specisism. The chapter ends with an exploration of the implications for education if the challenge of violence, the presence of the bodies of the other-than-human, and the need for fleshy equity are taken seriously.