Comment on Avineri's labor, alienation, and social classes in Hegel's realphilosophie
pp. 216-219
in: Joseph J. O'Malley, K Algozin, Howard P. Kainz, RICE (eds), The legacy of Hegel, Berlin, Springer, 1973Abstract
Professor Avineri has shown in a thorough manner how Hegel's analysis of modern society in Realphilosophie II of 1805-6 anticipates essentially the Rechtsphilosophie of 1821. To be sure, neither in 1805-6 nor in 1821 did Hegel know the solution to one of the main problems of this modern society, the problem of poverty. Thus, it is incorrect to attribute political radicalism to the author of the Realphilosophie and political quietism to the author of the Rechtsphilosophie.