Catalogue > Serials > Book Series

Europe In Transition

28 Publications

< 13 - 24 >

German ideologies since 1945

studies in the political thought and culture of the Bonn Republic


Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan

Germans or foreigners?

attitudes toward ethnic minorities in post-reunification Germany


Richard Alba, Peter Schmidt, Martina Wasmer (eds)

Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan


putting German political thought in context


Jan-Werner Müller

in: German ideologies since 1945, Basingstoke,

Normative Westernization?

the impact of remigres on the foundation of political thought in post-war Germany


Alfons Söllner

in: German ideologies since 1945, Basingstoke,

Restoring the German spirit

humanism and guilt in post-war Germany


Anson Rabinbach

in: German ideologies since 1945, Basingstoke,

Social distance and physical proximity

day-to-day attitudes and experiences of foreigners and Germans living in the same residential areas


Ferdinand Böltken

in: Germans or foreigners?, Basingstoke,

28 Publications

< 13 - 24 >