Catalogue > People > Profile

Michajl Bachtin

articles X

81 Publications

M. M. Bakhtin and the German proto-romantic tradition


John Cook

Studies in East European Thought 72 (1)

Revolution as a politics of time-space

from enlightenment modernity to advanced globality


Hakan Thorn

in: Future(s) of the revolution and the reformation, Basingstoke,

Percy's poetics of dwelling

the dialogical self and the ethics of reentry in the last gentleman and lost in the cosmos


Christopher Yates

in: Walker Percy, philosopher, Basingstoke,

Border writing in translation

the Spanish translations of woman hollering creek by the chicana writer Sandra Cisneros


Penelope Johnson

in: The Palgrave handbook of literary translation, Basingstoke,

Code alternation and entextualization in bilingual advertising

the construction of glocal identities in India's amul butter ads


Rani Rubdy

in: Language and literature in a glocal world, Berlin,


intellectual traditions of India in dialogue with Mikhail Bakhtin


Lakshmi Bandlamudi, E. V. Ramakrishnan

in: Bakhtinian explorations of Indian culture, Berlin,

81 Publications