Catalogue > People > Profile

Ivo De Gennaro

monographs X

9 Publications

Principles of philosophy

A phenomenological approach


Ivo De Gennaro

Freiburg, Alber

Evaluating the unevaluable

scientific research in the epoch of the will to will


Ivo De Gennaro

Heidegger Studies 30

The weirdness of being

Heidegger's unheard answer to the seinsfrage


Ivo De Gennaro

London, Routledge

Husserl and Heidegger on da-sein

with a suggestion for its interlingual translation


Ivo De Gennaro

in: Heidegger, translation, and the task of thinking, Berlin,

Minding that "we" cannot ever not think Being

enowning and the treasure of the onset


Ivo De Gennaro

Heidegger Studies 27

Owning to the belongingness to Be-ing or thinking as surrender

the English Denkweg and Parvis Emad's book on Beiträge


Ivo De Gennaro

Heidegger Studies 25

Why being itself and not just being?


Ivo De Gennaro

The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 7

9 Publications