Eckehart Köhler
monographs X
12 Publications
1 - 10 >Why von Neumann rejected Carnap's dualism of information concepts
in: John von Neumann and the foundations of quantum physics, Berlin,

Alfred Tarski and the Vienna circle
Austro-Polish connections in logical empiricism
Jan Woleński, Eckehart Köhler (eds)
Berlin, Springer
Hao Wang, A logical journey. From Gödel to philosophy
the mit press 1996
Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 6

Game theory, experience, rationality
foundations of social sciences, economics and ethics. In honor of John C. Harsanyi
Werner Leinfellner, Eckehart Köhler (eds)
Berlin, Springer

The foundational debate
complexity and constructivity in mathematics and physics
Werner Depauli Schimanovich, Eckehart Köhler, Friedrich Stadler (eds)
Berlin, Springer
Thomas Uebel, Overcoming logical positivism from within
rodopi 1992. (studien zur österreichischen philosophie, band xvii)
Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 1

Developments in the methodology of social science
Werner Leinfellner, Eckehart Köhler (eds)
Berlin, Springer
12 Publications
1 - 10 >