Publication details
Year: 2001
Pages: 405-411
Series: Synthese
Full citation:
, "Smith on times and tokens", Synthese 129 (3), 2001, pp. 405-411.
In this essay I respond to Quentin Smith's chargethat `the date-analysis version ofthe tenseless theory of time cannot give adequateaccounts of the truth conditions ofthe statements made by tensed sentence-tokens'(Smith 1999, 236). His argument isbased on an analysis of certain counterfactualsituations that is at odds with thedate-analysis account of language and hence succeedsonly in begging the questionagainst that theory. To anticipate: his argumentfails if one allows that temporalindexicals such as `now' rigidly designate theirtime of utterance, something thedate-analyst can happily admit whether she adheresto an absolute or relationalmetaphysics of time.
Cited authors
Publication details
Year: 2001
Pages: 405-411
Series: Synthese
Full citation:
, "Smith on times and tokens", Synthese 129 (3), 2001, pp. 405-411.