Publication details
Year: 2001
Pages: 41-60
Series: Synthese
Full citation:
, "Experience and the active mind", Synthese 129 (1), 2001, pp. 41-60.
This paper investigates a new species ofskeptical reasoning about visual experience that takesits start from developments in perceptual science(especially recent work on change blindness andinattentional blindness). According to thisskepticism, the impression of visual awareness of theenvironment in full detail and high resolution isillusory. I argue that the new skepticism depends onmisguided assumptions about the character ofperceptual experience, about whether perceptualexperiences are 'internal' states, and about how bestto understand the relationship between a person's oranimal's perceptual capacities and the brain-level orneural processes on which they depend. I propose aconception of perceptual experience as a form ofskillful engagement with the environment on the partof the whole person or animal.
Publication details
Year: 2001
Pages: 41-60
Series: Synthese
Full citation:
, "Experience and the active mind", Synthese 129 (1), 2001, pp. 41-60.