Publication details
Year: 2017
Pages: 249-265
Series: Human Studies
Full citation:
, "Considering the public private-dichotomy", Human Studies 40 (2), 2017, pp. 249-265.

Considering the public private-dichotomy
Hannah Arendt, Václav Havel and Victor Klemperer on the importance of the private
pp. 249-265
in: Human Studies 40 (2), 2017.Abstract
This paper examines the political significance of discursive activity in the private sphere in the thought of Hannah Arendt, Václav Havel, and Victor Klemperer. Against criticisms of Arendt which claim that she pays too much attention to the public sphere and consequently misses the importance of the private sphere in her analysis of political action, this paper highlights important insights in Arendt's writing on family and friendship and the ability of these relationships to act as havens where discourse can thrive. What emerges from the analysis is a rich agonistic discourse ethics. The paper employs the respective thought of Havel and Klemperer to highlight Arendt's work on the political significance of private virtues for promoting an awareness of responsibility. This position is then defended against the criticisms of discourse ethics offered by Chantal Mouffe.
Cited authors
Publication details
Year: 2017
Pages: 249-265
Series: Human Studies
Full citation:
, "Considering the public private-dichotomy", Human Studies 40 (2), 2017, pp. 249-265.