Catalogue > Serials > Journal > Journal Issue > Journal article

Publication details

Year: 2012

Pages: 555-561

Series: Human Studies

Full citation:

Lester Embree, "The way from the ideal of science", Human Studies 35 (4), 2012, pp. 555-561.

The way from the ideal of science

the other motivation for the transcendental phenomenological reduction in the doctoral dissertation of dorion Cairns

Lester Embree

pp. 555-561

in: Martin Endreß, Stefan Nicolae (eds), In memory of Harold Garfinkel, Human Studies 35 (4), 2012.


Cairns presents a plausible two-part, step by step, approach seemingly developed in Husserl's "workshop" to transcendental phenomenology that is independent of culture and history, refines a concept of knowledge and its references to worldly things, encounters a difficulty, and resolves it through recognition of a non-worldly apodictic core of consciousness distinct from being in the real temporal, spatial, and causal world.

Cited authors

Publication details

Year: 2012

Pages: 555-561

Series: Human Studies

Full citation:

Lester Embree, "The way from the ideal of science", Human Studies 35 (4), 2012, pp. 555-561.