Catalogue > Serials > Journal > Journal Issue > Journal article

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Year: 2011

Series: Revista de estud(i)os sobre Fichte

Full citation:

Liesbet De Kock, "Some preliminary considerations on helmholtz's Fichte", Revista de estud(i)os sobre Fichte 2, 2011.

Some preliminary considerations on helmholtz's Fichte

towards a naturalized epistemology of constraint?

Liesbet De Kock

in: Inv(i)erno 2011, Revista de estud(i)os sobre Fichte 2, 2011.


In the present paper, I analyse the influence of Fichte’s philosophy on Helmholtz’s treatment of objectivity and objectification in perception. The exploration of the relationship between both philosophers, a relationship that has been somewhat disregarded in the Fichte-research, attempts to get a firmer grasp on the extent to which Helmholtz’s account of the objectification process in perception is based on Fichte’s Ego doctrine.

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Publication details

Year: 2011

Series: Revista de estud(i)os sobre Fichte

Full citation:

Liesbet De Kock, "Some preliminary considerations on helmholtz's Fichte", Revista de estud(i)os sobre Fichte 2, 2011.