intentionality, passive synthesis, and primary consciousness of time
pp. 70-87
in: Manfred Spitzer, Michael A. Schwartz, Michael A. Schwartz (eds), Phenomenology, language & schizophrenia, Berlin, Springer, 1992Abstract
In the following essay main concepts of Husserl's phenomenology, viz., the life-world, intentionality, emotion and sensation, passive genesis, association, the temporality and synthesis of consciousness, and the formation of habits are introduced and worked out in their mutual relationship. The essay does not present a set of clear-cut definitions and subsequent applications and illustrations, but follows a rather different method. The concepts in question are developed in a course of descriptions and reflections, so as to form a preliminary, but highly condensed, introduction to phenomenology. Readers who are mainly interested in the application of these concepts within psychiatry may skip over this chapter.