Catalogue > Serials > Book Series > Edited Book > Contribution

Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 1998

Pages: 3-19

Series: Synthese Library

ISBN (Hardback): 9789401061469

Full citation:

Jan Woleński, "The reception of the Lvov-Warsaw school", in: The Lvov-Warsaw school and contemporary philosophy, Berlin, Springer, 1998


Every intellectual formation, perceived as a school, has its first and second life. The latter "exists' in its reception by the subsequent generation, in particular in its influence on the further course of intellectual life, whereas the former is constituted by the deeds of its members. Although my main concern in this paper is the second life of the Lvov-Warsaw School, I think it is reasonable to devote some time to its first life, too, because they are not fully separable.1 Besides, I would like to note that in speaking of the reception of the Lvov-Warsaw School, I mean not only an international dimension, but also what happened in Poland.

Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 1998

Pages: 3-19

Series: Synthese Library

ISBN (Hardback): 9789401061469

Full citation:

Jan Woleński, "The reception of the Lvov-Warsaw school", in: The Lvov-Warsaw school and contemporary philosophy, Berlin, Springer, 1998