The self-organization perspective in cognition research
historical remarks and new experimental approaches
pp. 32-52
in: Hermann Haken, Michael Stadler (eds), Synergetics of cognition, Berlin, Springer, 1990Abstract
In the first part of this paper the origins of self-organization theory are pursued in the early gestalt theory. Particularly Wolfgang Köhler searched for natural principles of autonomous order formation in perception and brain function. It is argued that his efforts were limited by the physical thinking of his time, and that synergetics allows a new approach to the old problems of cognition research. In the second part there are presented some examples of fluctuations, phase transitions, symmetry breaking and slaving in brain processes as well as in the the phenomenology of perception, memory, thinking, motor regulation, motive conflicts and social behavior. For all these cognitive processes the theory and mathematical equipment of synergetics seems to be an adequate way of analysis. Some methodological considerations are presented in the last part. Especially the method of serial reproductions ("Bardert-scenario") proves to be an effective way to measure self-organization processes in cognition and their tendency towards stability. Finally some experimental results on attractors and perceptual field dynamics of homogeneous stimulus areas are demonstrated.