Catalogue > Serials > Book Series > Edited Book > Contribution

Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 1987

Pages: 31-47

Series: Studies in Philosophy and Religion

ISBN (Hardback): 9789401080590

Full citation:

Mohanty, "Phenomenology of religion and human purpose", in: Religion and human purpose, Berlin, Springer, 1987


The title "Phenomenology of Religion" has been used by many authors in recent times with no complete unanimity however regarding its subject matter, methodology and purpose. Holsten, writing on Phenomenology of Religion in Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart,1 distinguishes it from both History of Religion and Theology. It is not concerned with the historical development of religion. Unlike theology, it is concerned only with such phenomena as show themselves. The phenomenological epoche forbids us to look behind phenomena. More precisely, phenomenology of religion, according to Holsten, knows only of human acts in relation to God, not of God's acts. However, Holsten recognizes that since the religious phenomena is itself historical, phenomenology of religion cannot remain totally unconcerned with history.

Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 1987

Pages: 31-47

Series: Studies in Philosophy and Religion

ISBN (Hardback): 9789401080590

Full citation:

Mohanty, "Phenomenology of religion and human purpose", in: Religion and human purpose, Berlin, Springer, 1987