Very generally formulated, the aim of this book is to plea for an approach to "religion" from a cultural psychological perspective. However, even though refraining from any jargon, this formulation may easily evoke all kinds of problems in understanding. For what is meant by "religion" (the word is not without reason written between quotation marks! Such usually indicates a problem of some kind …)? What is to be understood by an approach to "religion"? And what is a cultural psychological perspective? The easiest answer to such questions would be: Just read this book! Having done so, you should know what was meant. Admittedly, this doesn't sound too satisfactory, and it may even suggest the author is too lazy to answer appropriate questions. It seems more adequate, therefore, to explain at least some general terms and to preclude misunderstandings, even before the book really commences. Let us then circumscribe the aim of this volume once more, but a little differently, in a way that will hopefully help to situate it. As this is going to be a book in the field of cultural psychology as much as in that of psychology of religion, it aims to contribute to an integration of cultural psychology into the psychology of religion. This perhaps sounds more familiar to some people than others, who may not know what to think of when hearing the additional term "psychology of religion." Let us start then by saying something about this discipline, its possibilities and its problems, and work our way up to its relationship with cultural psychology, in order to explain what kind of book this is going to be (and not going to be!) and what can be expected from its main corpus.