Catalogue > Serials > Journal > Journal Issue > Journal article

Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 2019

Pages: 97-116

Series: Husserl Studies

Full citation:

Andrea Marchesi, "On Husserl's exhibition principle", Husserl Studies 35 (2), 2019, pp. 97-116.

On Husserl's exhibition principle

Andrea Marchesi

pp. 97-116

in: Husserl Studies 35 (2), 2019.


According to Husserl's so-called Exhibition Principle (Prinzip der Ausweisbarkeit; henceforth: EP), the propositions "x exists' and "The exhibition of x's existence is possible" are equivalent. The overall aim of this paper is to debate EP. First, I raise the question whether EP can properly be said to be a principle. Second, I give a general formulation of EP. Third, I examine specific formulations of EP, namely those regarding eidetic and individual objects. Fourth, I identify the readings of EP I hold to be exegetically plausible, that is the transcendental reading, the metaphysical reading, and the hybrid reading. Fifth, I present Husserl's refutation of Berkeleyan idealism developed in 1902/03 lectures, and I argue that under certain assumptions, both esse est percipi and the metaphysical EP engender an infinite regress. In this regard, I claim there are two options for avoiding such a regress: either to commit oneself to reflexive exhibition of the ego's actuality or to deny the universality of EP. I show that Husserl has a good argument for rejecting the first option, and I conclude that if the Husserlian idealist chooses the second option while affirming the ego's actuality, he turns out to be as "dogmatic" as the realist.

Cited authors

Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 2019

Pages: 97-116

Series: Husserl Studies

Full citation:

Andrea Marchesi, "On Husserl's exhibition principle", Husserl Studies 35 (2), 2019, pp. 97-116.