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Jan Patočka

5 Publications

Correspondance avec Robert Campbell et les siens 1946-1977

Jan Patočka

Millon - Grenoble


« Il faudrait que quelqu’un chez vous fasse un roman sur un intellectuel d’Europe centrale sous le coup des derniers événements. Pas seulement pour la curiosité psychologique.


Jan Patočka

Oikoymené - Prague


Další svazek Sebraných spisů bude obsahovat úplný text knihy, za niž Patočka obdržel v roce 1964 od Československé akademie věd titul doktora věd (Dr. Sc.

L'interno e il mondo

Jan Patočka

Mimesis - Milano


The volume presents the translation of a manuscript that dates back to the 1940s. These pages belonged to a larger, unfinished project, through which Patocka tried to elaborate a philosophy of man and of his inner in a transcendental sense.

The natural world as a philosophical problem

Jan Patočka

Northwestern University Press - Evanston, IL


The first text to critically discuss Edmund Husserl’s concept of the "life-world," The Natural World as a Philosophical Problem reflects Jan Patocka's youthful conversations with the founder of phenomenology and two of his closest disciples, Eugen Fink and Ludwig Landgrebe. Now available in English for the first time, this translation includes an introduction by Landgrebe and two self-critical afterwords added by Patocka in the 1970s.

Ketzerische Essays zur Philosophie der Geschichte

Jan Patočka

Suhrkamp - Berlin


Jan Patocka (1907-1977) ist einer der wichtigsten Vertreter der tschechischen Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts.

5 Publications