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Michael Barber

5 Publications

Religion and humor as emancipating provinces of meaning

Michael Barber

Springer - Berlin


​This book illustrates how non-pragmatic finite provinces of meaning emancipate one from pragmatic everyday pressures. Barber portrays everyday life originally, as including the interplay between intrinsic and imposed relevances, the unavoidable pursuit of pragmatic mastery, and the resulting tensions non-pragmatic provinces can relieve.

The golden age of phenomenology at the New School for Social Research 1954-1973

Lester Embree, Michael Barber (eds)

Ohio University Press -


This collection focuses on the introduction of phenomenology to the United States by the community of scholars who taught and studied at the New School for Social Research from 1954 through 1973. During those years, Dorion Cairns, Alfred Schutz, and Aron Gurwitsch—all former students of Edmund Husserl—came together in the department of philosophy to establish the first locus of phenomenology scholarship in the country.

The interrelation of phenomenology, social sciences and the arts

Michael Barber, Jochen Dreher (eds)

Springer - Berlin


This book features papers written by renowned international scholars that analyze the interdependence of art, phenomenology, and social science. The papers show how the analysis of the production as well as the perception and interpretation of art work needs to take into consideration the subjective viewpoint of the artist in addition to that of the interpreter.

Collected papers VI

Alfred Schütz

Michael Barber (ed)

Springer - Berlin


Schriften zur Literatur

Alfred Schütz

Michael Barber, Jochen Dreher (eds)

UVK - Konstanz


Band VIII der Alfred Schütz Werkausgabe: Schriften zur Literatur vereint Literaturinterpretationen mit literaturtheoretischen sowie kulturkritischen Reflexionen von Alfred Schütz sowohl aus dem Früh- als auch Spätwerk, die insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund von dessen Lebenswelttheorie entstanden. Die Veröffentlichung der Literaturschriften bringt einen nur wenig erschlossenen Themenbereich des Schütz’schen Œuvre zum Vorschein und erlaubt eine neue Dimensionierung des kunsttheoretischen Anspruchs von dessen wissenschaftlicher Perspektive.

5 Publications