Jean Baudrillard
articles X
17 Publications
"A quotation from Baudrillard"
J. G. Ballard and the psycho-phenomenology of media in everyday life
Glimpse 18
Even signs must burn
from semiotics and the modern city to Jean Baudrillard's symbolic exchange and the postmodern city
in: International handbook of semiotics, Berlin,
"Self-immolation by technology"
Jean Baudrillard and the posthuman in film and television
in: The Palgrave handbook of posthumanism in film and television, Berlin,
Die Seduktionstheorie des Films
John Ford im Spiegel kontinentaler Philosophie
in: Classical Hollywood und kontinentale Philosophie, Berlin,
Byronic terror and impossible exchange
from Werner to Baudrillard's the spirit of terrorism
in: Byron and the politics of freedom and terror, Basingstoke,
Stylists in the american grain
Wallace Stevens, Stanley Cavell and Richard Rorty
European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 2 (2)
17 Publications