Catalogue > People > Profile

Jean Baudrillard

articles X

17 Publications

"A quotation from Baudrillard"

J. G. Ballard and the psycho-phenomenology of media in everyday life


Kurt R. Cline

Glimpse 18

Even signs must burn

from semiotics and the modern city to Jean Baudrillard's symbolic exchange and the postmodern city


Thanos Gkaragounis

in: International handbook of semiotics, Berlin,

"Self-immolation by technology"

Jean Baudrillard and the posthuman in film and television


Jon Baldwin

in: The Palgrave handbook of posthumanism in film and television, Berlin,

Die Seduktionstheorie des Films

John Ford im Spiegel kontinentaler Philosophie


Marcus Stiglegger

in: Classical Hollywood und kontinentale Philosophie, Berlin,

Baudrillard's simulated ecology


Jonathan Beever

Sign systems studies 41 (1)

Byronic terror and impossible exchange

from Werner to Baudrillard's the spirit of terrorism


Piya Pal-Lapinski

in: Byron and the politics of freedom and terror, Basingstoke,

Jean Baudrillard

Wider die soziologische Ordnung


Michael Schetsche, Christian Vähling

in: Kultur, Wiesbaden,

The media of the spectral

Derrida and Baudrillard


Mihail Evans

Glimpse 13

Stylists in the american grain

Wallace Stevens, Stanley Cavell and Richard Rorty


Aine Kelly

European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 2 (2)

17 Publications