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Christian Ferencz-Flatz

Christian Ferencz-Flatz is researcher in philosophy at the Alexandru Dragomir Institute for Philosophy (Romanian Society for Phenomenology) and the Institute for Research in the Humanities (University of Bucharest). He is the Book-Review Editor of the journal Studia Phaenomenologica and fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Husserl Archives (University of Cologne). He has authored four monographs and numerous papers in international philosophical journals. He has translated several works by Martin Heidegger, Edmund Husserl, Walter Benjamin and Theodor W. Adorno. His research interests include: phenomenology, critical theory, image- and film theory.

3 Publications

Filmul ca situație socială

Christian Ferencz-Flatz

Tact - Bucharest


Punctul de plecare volumului: „Filmul ca situație socială. Eseuri fenomenologice”, îl constituie un proiect de cercetare, derulat cu sprijinul Fundației Alexander von Humboldt din 2016 până în 2017 la Universitatea din Köln și prelungit apoi încă un an la Institutul de Cercetare al Universității din București.

The promise of genetic phenomenology

Studia Phaenomenologica

Christian Ferencz-Flatz, Andrea Staiti (eds)


Sehen Als-Ob

Christian Ferencz-Flatz

Bautz - Nordhausen


3 Publications