Virginia Woolf
29 Publications
Glad animals
speed, affect, and modern literature
in: Affect theory and literary critical practice, Basingstoke,
"But she loved her roses (didn't that help the armenians?)"
resisting facts, inventing forms, negotiating history in virginia woolf's to the lighthouse and mrs. dalloway
in: Philosophy in the condition of modernism, Berlin,
Virginia Woolf and The hours (Stephen Daldry, 2002)
vulnerability, performativity and resistance
in: Philosophy in the condition of modernism, Berlin,
Meaning, experience, and the modern self
The phenomenology of spontaneous sense in Woolf's "Mrs. Dalloway"
Metodo 6 (1)
Anon, pseud and "by a lady"
the spectre of anonymity in women's literary history
in: Women's writing, 1660-1830, Basingstoke,
Virginia Woolf
la política de los afectos de las "hijas de los hombres cultos"
Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia 63
Iris Murdoch and the two cultures
science, philosophy and the novel
in: Iris Murdoch, Basingstoke,
29 Publications