Catalogue > People > Profile

Gustave Flaubert

17 Publications

Tocqueville and Flaubert on 1848

the sublimity of revolution


Frank Ankersmit

Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 37 (2)

Méditations sartriennes

Péripéties de la notion de vécu


Lars Andrée

Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 17 (2)

Literature and ethics

learning to read with Emma Bovary


Iain Bamforth

in: Ethics and the arts, Berlin,

Iris Murdoch and Theodor Reik

sado-masochism in the black Prince


Mark Luprecht

in: Iris Murdoch, Basingstoke,

Rancière, Sartre and Flaubert

from the idiot of the family to the politics of aesthetics


Christina Howells

Symposium 15 (2)

Romanticismo y Oriente en Gustave Flaubert

El viaje ético de la estética


Nieves Soriano Nieto

Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia 46

"Other" voices

teaching Kimiko Hahn's The unbearable heart


Juliana Chang

in: Poetry & pedagogy, Basingstoke,

Flaubert: individu et totalisation

L'Idiot de la famille, tome 3


Hadi Rizk

Alter: Revue de phénoménologie 10

The right to privacy/the will to knowledge

Henry James and the ethics of biographical enquiry


Richard Salmon

in: Writing the lives of writers, Basingstoke,

17 Publications