Samuel T. Coleridge
8 Publications
Wordsworthian nature poetry, ashanti culture, and Richard Wright's haiku
this other world
in: Cross-cultural visions in African American literature, Basingstoke,
Coleridge and Newman
the centrality of conscience
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 81 (1)
Coleridge and the appearing earth
An essay on the other in language
in: Passions of the earth in human existence, creativity, and literature, Deventer,
The problem of reconciliation in remorse
Coleridge's dramatic theory and practice
in: Life creative mimesis of emotion, Deventer,
Understanding and ethics in Coleridge
description, evaluation and otherness
in: The ethics in literature, Basingstoke,
Dialectic and the "two forces of one power"
reading Coleridge, Polanyi, and Bakhtin in a new key
Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical 23 (3)
8 Publications