Catalogue > People > Profile

Tina Chanter

articles X

8 Publications

Antigone's liminality

Hegel's racial purification of tragedy and the naturalization of slavery


Tina Chanter

in: Hegel's philosophy and feminist thought, Berlin,

Antigone's excessive relationship to fetishism

the performative politics and rebirth of eros and philia from ancient Greece to modern South Africa


Tina Chanter

Symposium 11 (2)

Abjection, film, politics

race, gender, class and nation in Neil Jordan's The crying game


Tina Chanter, Athena Colnnan

Glimpse 3 (1)

P. Deutscher, Yielding gender

The trouble we (feminists) have reasoning with our mothers


Tina Chanter

Continental Philosophy Review 33 (4)

Wild meanings

Luce Irigaray's reading of Merleau-Ponty


Tina Chanter

in: Chiasms, ,

Giving time and death

Levinas, Heidegger, and the trauma of the gift


Tina Chanter

in: Levinas, Pittsburgh,

The temporality of saying

Politics beyond the ontological difference


Tina Chanter

Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 1

8 Publications