Catalogue > People > Profile

Jason Alvis

13 Publications

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Phenomenology of Religious Experience V

(Ir)Rationality and Religiosity During Pandemics


Olga Louchakova-Schwartz, Jason Alvis, Michael Staudigl (eds)

Open Theology 7

Is violence inescapable?

Derrida, religion, and the irreducibility of violence


Jason Alvis

in: Violence and meaning, Basingstoke,

Ricoeur on violence and religion

or, violence gives rise to thought


Jason Alvis

Studia Phaenomenologica 19

How to overcome the world

Henry, Heidegger, and the post-secular


Jason Alvis

in: Phenomenology and the post-secular turn, London,

Phenomenology and the post-secular turn

contemporary debates on the "return of religion"


Michael Staudigl, Jason Alvis (eds)

London, Routledge

The inconspicuous God

Heidegger, French phenomenology, and the theological turn


Jason Alvis

Bloomington, In, Indiana University Press

The political as saturated phenomenon

Marion's givenness and the irreconcilability of politics and love


Jason Alvis

Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 17 (2)

13 Publications

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