Catalogue > People > Profile

Lawrence Vogel

6 Publications

Evolution and the meaning of being

Heidegger, Jonas and nihilism


Lawrence Vogel

Continental Philosophy Review 51 (1)

Heidegger, Buber and Levinas

must we give priority to authenticity or mutuality or holiness?


Lawrence Vogel

in: Heidegger, Levinas, Derrida, Berlin,

The responsibility of thinking in dark times

Hannah Arendt versus Hans Jonas


Lawrence Vogel

Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 29 (1)

Jewish philosophies after Heidegger

imagining a dialogue between Jonas and Levinas


Lawrence Vogel

Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 23 (1)

Understanding and blaming

problems in the attribution of moral responsibility


Lawrence Vogel

Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 53

6 Publications