Catalogue > People > Profile

Kurt R. Cline

articles X

6 Publications

"A quotation from Baudrillard"

J. G. Ballard and the psycho-phenomenology of media in everyday life


Kurt R. Cline

Glimpse 18

The message is the medium

Houdini and the unity of concealment and disclosure in Heidegger's Parmenides


Kurt R. Cline

Glimpse 16

Twisted shadows

Ion Chaney, Tod Browning and the grotesque personae of circus and sideshow


Kurt R. Cline

Glimpse 14

Phenomenology of the hoax

Orson Welles, alchemy and the lie that tells the truth


Kurt R. Cline

Glimpse 13

Unmasking the simulacrum

Harry Houdini's exposes and the modernist meta-poetics of confrontation and exposure


Kurt R. Cline

Glimpse 8

6 Publications