Publication details
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Place: Basingstoke
Year: 2013
ISBN (Hardback): 9781349455928
ISBN (eBook): 9781137315113
Full citation:
Lars K Bruun, Gert Srensen, Karl C. Lammers, Gert Sørensen (eds), European self-reflection between politics and religion, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013
European self-reflection between politics and religion
Italian intellectuals and the European view
croce, nitti and chabod between dictatorship and democracy
Gert Sørensen
Europe between democracy and fascism
Hermann Heller on fascism as a threat to Europe and democracy as a community of values
Karl C. Lammers
Reconstruction or decline?
the concept of Europe and its political implications in the works of Ernst Troeltsch and Oswald Spengler
Adam Paulsen
A long and winding road
an international perspective on the fall and rise of democracy in spain in the twentieth century
Morten Heiberg
Theology as language of crisis
Karl Barth's commentary on the epistle to the romans
Dietrich Korsch
Martin Heidegger — a protestant Church father of the twentieth century?
the early Heidegger's phenomenology of religion and the crisis of Western culture
The heritage from Athens and Galilee
secular democracy as a Lutheran response to the European crisis
Tine Reeh
Religion and secular modernity
a historical perspective on the Ratzinger-Habermas encounter, 19 january 2004
Julio Jensen
A post-post-liberal order
how Western Europe emerged from its thirty-year crisis
Jan-Werner Müller
Reinterpreting the European heritage since 1989
culture as a conflict of interpretations
Gérard Delanty