Catalogue > Serials > Journal > Journal Issue > Journal article

Publication details

Year: 2013

Pages: 235-256

Series: Rivista di estetica

Full citation:

Giuseppe Di Giacomo, "La questione dell'aura tra Benjamin e Adorno", Rivista di estetica 52, 2013, pp. 235-256.

La questione dell'aura tra Benjamin e Adorno

Giuseppe Di Giacomo

pp. 235-256

in: Aura, Rivista di estetica 52, 2013.


The paper proposes a new understanding of the notion of “aura” as it emerges, including similarities and differences, in the aesthetic thought of Walter Benjamin and Theodor W. Adorno. In particular, the paper shows how, not only in Adorno but already in Benjamin, such a concept designates also the capacity of artwork to refers, by its own internal, to an irreducible otherness. In this perspective, in a world increasingly dominated by a tendency to homologation and mercification – with the resulting identification of art and cultural industry –, contemporary art looks like a continuous oscillation between the will to deny aura and, other times, the awareness of its necessary survival, closely related (in particular, according to Adorno) to the recognition of the need to “save” not only the appearance but also, by that very fact, the aesthetic autonomy.

Cited authors

Publication details

Year: 2013

Pages: 235-256

Series: Rivista di estetica

Full citation:

Giuseppe Di Giacomo, "La questione dell'aura tra Benjamin e Adorno", Rivista di estetica 52, 2013, pp. 235-256.