Catalogue > Serials > Journal


2210-5433 (Paperback)

2210-5441 (eBook)

Philosophy & Technology

333 Publications

1 - 12 > >> last

"My fitbit thinks I can do better!"

do health promoting wearable technologies support personal autonomy?


John Owens, Alan Cribb

Philosophy & Technology 32 (1)

Between minimal and greater than minimal risk

how research participants and oncologists assess data-sharing and the risk of re-identification in genomic research


Sebastian Schleidgen, Alma Husedzinovic, Dominik Ose, Christoph Schickhardt, Christof von Kalle, Eva C. Winkler

Philosophy & Technology 32 (1)

Doing away with the agential bias

agency and patiency in health monitoring applications


Nils-Frederic Wagner

Philosophy & Technology 32 (1)

Homo faber revisited

Postphenomenology and material engagement theory


Don Ihde, Lambros Malafouris

Philosophy & Technology 32 (2)

Homo faber revisited

Postphenomenology and material engagement theory


Don Ihde, Lambros Malafouris (eds)

Philosophy & Technology 32 (2)

How stone tools shaped us

post-phenomenology and material engagement theory


Manjari Chakrabarty

Philosophy & Technology 32 (2)

Replacing epiphenomenalism

a pluralistic enactive take on the metaplasticity of early body ornamentation


Duilio Garofoli, Antonis Iliopoulos

Philosophy & Technology 32 (2)

Social justice, equality and primary care

(how) can "big data" help?


Kristin Voigt

Philosophy & Technology 32 (1)

Technological environmentality

conceptualizing technology as a mediating milieu


Ciano Aydin, Margoth González Woge, Peter-Paul Verbeek

Philosophy & Technology 32 (2)

333 Publications

1 - 12 > >> last