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Alexander Pfänder

5 Publications


Alexander Pfänder

Ontos - Heusenstamm


Alexander Pfänder's classical phenomenological logic, a masterwork of unmatched clarity, is presented here for the first time in English. The book unfolds the general essence of logic, its object, not acts of thinking but objective ""thoughts"", meanings and higher unities formed by them: the nature and kinds (1) of judgments (propositions) and their truth and truth claims, (2) of concepts, and (3)of inferences; (4)the first foundational principles of logic (the principles of identity, contradiction, excluded middle, and sufficient reason) and of valid inferences, their foundation in ontologic.

Philosophie auf phänomenologischer Grundlage

Alexander Pfänder

Fink - München


Ethik in kurzer Darstellung

Alexander Pfänder

Fink - München


Phenomenology of willing and motivation

Alexander Pfänder

Northwestern University Press - Evanston, IL


Phänomenologie des Wollens und Motive und Motivation

Alexander Pfänder

Barth - Leipzig


5 Publications