Catalogue > People > Profile

Hedwig Conrad-Martius

19 Publications

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Essence, abyss, and self

Hedwig Conrad-Martius on the non-spatial dimensions of being


Ronny Miron

in: Women phenomenologists on social ontology, Berlin,

The reinstatement of the phenomenon

Hedwig Conrad-Martius and the meaning of "being"


Manuela Massa

in: Women phenomenologists on social ontology, Berlin,

The "theological turn" of phenomenology as a return

Hedwig Conrad-Martius and Max Scheler versus the Husserlian secular breakthrough


Dragan Prole

Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 17 (2)

A philosophical resonance

Hedwig Conrad-Martius versus Edith Stein


Ronny Miron

in: Empathy, sociality, and personhood, Berlin,

Das Phänomenologenheim

Der Bergzaberner Kreis im Kontext der frühen phänomenologischen Bewegung


Joachim Feldes

Nordhausen, Bautz

The vocabulary of reality


Ronny Miron

Human Studies 38 (3)

The inseparable link between "cosmology" and the "world of life" in the philosophy of Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka

The originality of a new perspective on the "real individual and autonomous being" and a comparison with the "phenomenological realism" of Hedwig Conrad-Martius


Francesco Alfieri

in: Phenomenology of space and time I, Berlin,

The outside's inside

The phenomenology of the external world in Hedwig Conrad-Martius' thought


Ronny Miron

in: Phenomenology of space and time I, Berlin,

19 Publications

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