Catalogue > People > Profile

Mette Lebech

7 Publications

Essence, eidos, and dialogue in Steins' "Husserl and Aquinas"

A comparison


Mette Lebech

The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 17

Europe and human dignity

A Steinian discussion of Joseph Ratzinger's reflections on the problems faced by Europe today


Mette Lebech

in: Edith Stein, Nordhausen,

Three Texts on Ethics


Adolf Reinach

München, Philosophia

Women in society

the critical potential of Stein's feminism for our understanding of the state


Mette Lebech

in: Edith Stein: women, social- political philosophy, theology, metaphysics and public history, Berlin,

The philosophy of Edith Stein

From phenomenology to metaphysics


Mette Lebech

Bern, Peter Lang

7 Publications