Catalogue > People > Profile

Pol Vandevelde

Marquette University

articles X

26 Publications

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Intercultural Encounters – Rencontres interculturelles


Pol Vandevelde, Danielle Lories (eds)

Études phénoménologiques - Phenomenological Studies 5

Historicizing the mind

Gadamer's "hermeneutic experience" compared to Davidson's "radical interpretation"


Pol Vandevelde

in: Phenomenology and the primacy of the political, Berlin,

The enigma of the past

Ricoeur's theory of narrative as a response to Heidegger


Pol Vandevelde

in: Hermeneutics and phenomenology in Paul Ricoeur, Berlin,

Le fondement ontologique du récit selon Ricoeur

mimesis, dette et attestation


Pol Vandevelde

Studia Phaenomenologica 13

Phenomenology and literature

Historical perspectives and systematic accounts


Pol Vandevelde (ed)

Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann

26 Publications

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