Kurt Lewin
articles X
11 Publications
Ernst Cassirer, Kurt Lewin, and Hans Reichenbach
in: The Berlin group and the philosophy of logical empiricism, Berlin,
Genidentity and topology of time
Kurt Lewin and Hans Reichenbach
in: The Berlin group and the philosophy of logical empiricism, Berlin,
Else Frenkel-Brunswik
Wanderin zwischen der Psychologie, der Psychoanalyse und dem Logischen Empirismus
in: Bedeutende Psychologinnen des 20. jahrhunderts, Wiesbaden,
Kurt Lewin and the rise of "cognitive sciences' in Germany
Cassirer, Bühler, Reichenbach
in: The dawn of cognitive science, Berlin,
From emancipating to domesticating the workers
Lewinian social psychology and the study of the work process till 1947
in: Recent trends in theoretical psychology, Berlin,
11 Publications