Hans Köchler
13 Publications
1 - 10 >The relation between man and world
in: Astronomy and civilization in the new enlightenment, Berlin,
Husserls transzendentaler Idealismus und Brentanos Erkenntnistheorie
Zum Stellenwert des Evidenzbegriffs im idealistischen System der Phänomenologie
in: Gelehrtenrepublik Lebenswelt, Wien,
The relation of man and world
existential and phenomenological perspectives
Philosophy of the social sciences 15
The problem of reality as seen from the viewpoint of existential phenomenology
in: Foundations of morality, human rights, and the human sciences, Dordrecht,
The relation between man and world
A transcendental-anthropological problem
in: The phenomenology of man and of the human condition, Dordrecht,
The relativity of the soul and the absolute state of the pure ego
in: Soul and body in Husserlian phenomenology, Deventer,
The phenomenology of Karol Wojtyla
On the problem of the phenomenological foundation of anthropology
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 42 (3)
13 Publications
1 - 10 >