Catalogue > People > Profile

Alasdair MacIntyre

25 Publications

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Tugend und Tradition

Alasdair MacIntyres thomistisch-aristotelischer Naturalismus


Kathi Beier

in: Aristotelischer Naturalismus, Stuttgart,

The thomism of Alasdair MacIntyre

which ethics? which epistemology?


Christophe Rouard

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 88 (4)

Paradigms, traditions, and history

the influence of philosophy of science on MacIntyre's ethical thought


John C. Caiazza

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 88 (4)

Alasdair MacIntyre as a Marxist and as a critic of Marxism


Paul Blackledge

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 88 (4)

MacIntyre on the practice of philosophy and the university


Bryan R. Cross

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 88 (4)

Catholic social teaching and the firm

crowding in virtue: a MacIntyrean approach to business ethics


Geoff Moore, Ron Beadle, Anna Rowlands

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 88 (4)

25 Publications

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