Catalogue > People > Profile

Talia Welsh

8 Publications

Outside the present

imagination's prehistory in childhood dreams and delusions


Talia Welsh

Chiasmi International 19

The adult-child relationship in breastfeeding and development

a merleau-pontian perspective on the existential and social conflicts in childrearing


Talia Welsh

Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences 16 (4)

S. l. Marratto, The intercorporeal self


Talia Welsh

Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences 14 (3)

Child psychology and pedagogy

the Sorbonne lectures 1949-1952


Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Evanston, IL, Northwestern University Press

Child's play

anatomically correct dolls and embodiment


Talia Welsh

Human Studies 30 (3)

The retentional and the repressed

does Freud's concept of the unconscious threaten Husserlian phenomenology?


Talia Welsh

Human Studies 25 (2)

The logic of the observed

Merleau-Ponty's conception of women as outlined in his 1951-1952 sorbonne lecture "the question of method in child psychology"


Talia Welsh

Symposium 5 (1)

8 Publications