Catalogue > People > Profile

Gunnar Declerck

8 Publications

Technologies to access space without vision

some empirical facts and guiding theoretical principles


Charles Lenay, Gunnar Declerck

in: Mobility of visually impaired people, Berlin,

What could have been done (but wasn't)

on the counterfactual status of action in Alva Noë's theory of perception


Gunnar Declerck

Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences 16 (5)

Actuality and possibility

on the complementarity of two registers in the bodily constitution of experience


Gunnar Declerck, Olivier Gapenne

Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences 8 (3)

Pesanteur et facticité

pertinence et insuffisances de la pensée de Heidegger pour une phénoménologie du poids


Gunnar Declerck

Alter: Revue de phénoménologie 17

8 Publications