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John Shook

2 Publications

Neuroscience, neurophilosophy and pragmatism

Tibor Solymosi, John Shook (eds)

Palgrave Macmillan - Basingstoke


Bringing together active neuroscientists, neurophilosophers, and scholars this volume considers the prospects of a neuroscientifically-informed pragmatism and a pragmatically-informed neuroscience on issues ranging from the nature of mental life to the implications of neuroscience for education and ethics. .

Dewey's social philosophy

John Shook

Palgrave Macmillan - Basingstoke


Dewey is known for education theories to promote democracy, but what is democracy for? His philosophy advanced democracy as education itself, reaching higher levels of social intelligence. Praising community or promoting rights doesn't get to the heart of Dewey's vision, which seeks everyone's good in a social life that is intelligently lived.

2 Publications